The vital work of matching children with their new forever families across Mid and West Wales is continuing despite the Covid-19 outbreak.
Adoption Mid & West Wales, the Regional Adoption Service for Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys local authorities remains open with staff working remotely, conducting visits via Microsoft Teams, Skype or phone.
Some essential visits continue, adhering to the social distancing rules set by Welsh Government.
The Service continues to seek new adopters to ensure that children are not delayed in being placed with families.
The highest number of enquiries about adoption has been received for some time and a recent online information evening was very well attended with 13 couples, (two of which were in a same-sex relationship), and four single enquirers.
The Panel has faced and adapted to the challenge of continuing to meet remotely and regularly.
The Panel has recommended a number of new adopters and more new families have been recommended with matches, since the stay at home message was introduced.
Assessments are continuing with adoption social workers meeting remotely with prospective adopters to get them approved in the near future.
Adoption Panel Member Cllr Reg Owens, of Pembrokeshire County Council, said: “The Covid-19 situation has meant that everyone involved in the adoption process has had to adapt and respond to the challenges of working remotely and, where that is simply not possible, following the social distancing and other safety measures.
“I have been hugely impressed by the way that the teams have rolled up their sleeves and worked so hard to get the necessary measures in place to ensure that there have been no undue delays to what are life-changing decisions for all involved.
“Throughout the lockdown period this has ensured that a number of children have been given new homes for life and adopters having children they had longed for.
“It is most probably the most satisfying duty I carry out as a County Councillor and I thank each and every person involved for their efforts in these most unusual times.”
To further aid adoptive families, adoption support workers have been busy creating resources.
A number of training courses are being added regularly, as well as new e-learning modules, with all the details available on Adoption Mid & West Wales website.
If you are an adopter requiring support at the moment please call 0300 3032 505 or email
The Service is also on Twitter @adoptmw_wales and the newly launched Facebook page @adoptmwwales