Support for birth parents/families

The Adoption team also works with birth families, preparing them for the adoption of their child. In addition the team also provides advice for professionals and families on preparing later life information for the child.

If someone in your family has been adopted, whether it was recently or some time ago, you may want to find out more about what happened to them. Adoption Mid and West Wales can give advice, support and guidance to help you.

If you are a birth parent
If Social Workers are making plans for the adoption of your child, you may be feeling confused and hurt and want to talk to someone. Adoption Mid and West Wales can provide advice about what is happening, what will happen next and what this will mean for you and your child. If you prefer to speak with someone who is not from social services, we can give you details of other organisations that can help.

If your child was adopted you may be interested in exploring the possibility of contact with them after they reach adulthood?

We can give information and advice about some options you can consider.

We do not provide search or intermediary services ourselves, but we can signpost you to charities and other organisations who might help, but they charge fees for these services.

If you have brothers and sisters who have been adopted
Sometimes brothers and sisters cannot live together in the same adoptive family. At the time of their adoption, the Social Worker would have discussed what was best for your family and this would have included whether you should live together and how and if you should keep in touch.

Adoption Mid and West Wales has a Letterbox scheme to give you a planned way to keep in touch. You can find out more about it by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

Adoption in the extended family
If a member of your family (e.g. a niece, nephew or grandchild) has been adopted, you may feel that it would help you to talk through what has happened and how it has affected you. The support service we run can give advice and guidance to help you. You can find out more about it by looking at the documents at the bottom of this page, or by contacting us.