Sibling Adoption

Photograph of two children swinging on a two-seater swing. Only their lower bodies can be seen.

We had both discussed and agreed that if IVF did not work for us after one or two turns, we would start the adoption process as we were confident that we could give a loving and safe home for a child or children!

The adoption process

The adoption process proved very challenging at times, but we didn’t expect it to be easy!  A few parts moved smoothly and fairly slickly, but of course because of the difficult and sensitive nature of adoption – there were periods of delay awaiting decisions from others or waiting for the court to go through the necessary steps.  We had an amazing social worker, who advised and mentored us throughout the process.  It encouraged us to consider what was always best for us, and there was one period when we had to consider if we were able to stay with the “match”.  We decided after a lot of discussion and consideration, that the two little ones were worth waiting for.

Deciding to Adopt siblings

The decision to consider adopting siblings was an easy one in terms of our wish to keep siblings together and from a practical point of view, that we have a place for more than one child in our home and hearts!  The conversations we had with our Social Worker also helped us to be confident in our decision.

When they moved to live with us

Almost two years immediately after we submitted the adoption application form, two small whirlwinds arrived at our house, and turned it into a noisy and happy home full of wonderful mess!  Obviously, this was a complete change of world for us and for them, and the first few weeks of being together were tiring, fun, tiring, challenging and tiring!  There was plenty of support during the introductions and settling in period and we maintained contact with the foster family in order to support the children and ourselves.  The children were coping well with a new family, location and language and we are sure that the fact that they are together is of a huge benefit and support to them. Within three months both had settled well with us and in the area and became bilingual toddlers.

Support network

We have been lucky to know other families in the area, so that has given us the opportunity to discuss, inquire and compare notes every now and then, especially if something challenging has come across us.  We would advise anyone to make use of support networks, informal or formal and our social worker has always been there for us if necessary and if any difficult issues arise in the future, I know that we have the support.

Life story

Every so often questions arise from the children about their past, sometimes the question arises unexpectedly and we must respond agilely and positively.  We reinforce positive but honest messages and use pictures and names.  We have also created a picture of a tree showing the roots beneath the soil, their growth and the family and friends that surround them which is now growing.

From day one to the present day, we wouldn’t change anything about the two whirlwinds, our family!

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