Our winners for the ‘What kind of Superhero are you?’ Competition have been chosen. We received a wonderful variety of entries and our judging panel thoroughly enjoyed looking at each piece that was entered. Thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations to all of our winners. To view our winning entries and to read the judges’ comment please click here.
* Please note that personal information within our winning entries have been anonymised for confidentiality purpose. This includes changing names of people, pets and places.
Age 4-7 winner

“I love the way they have included their whole fam“I love the way they have included their whole family as superheroes. I particularly like how the family are flying high over the colourful rainbow and bright shiny sun.”
“This is a beautiful drawing. I see that you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into this drawing. It’s very colourful and bright. This drawing made me feel really happy. I love that you’ve added so many big smiles and bright colours.”
“Lots of colour and smiley faces. Nice to see that the family are the superheroes and not just one person.”
Age 8-10 winner -drawing

“WOW! The attention to detail in this picture is very impressive. I love all the little details in the robot and how it carries the bot baby in its pouch. Chief engineer storm looks like he could fix anything with his tools on his belt and then the amazing super drone with 4 propellers to help it fly high, I can see from this picture they make a great super team.”
“Fantastic drawing, amazing detail. Liked the super drones and the baby pouch. I think it gives a sense of the child’s personality and thinking about what makes a superhero.”
“Great picture. You have clearly put in a lot of work into to this drawing and it’s paid off. I like that you added so much detail, and the colouring is really neat. You are a great artist!”
Age 8-10 winner – poem

“I really enjoyed listening to this poem. It made realise that we all have the ability to be superheroes just like this “secret hero”. I loved how even though he is a superhero he let us all know that even heroes sometimes make mistakes and that’s ok. I also put too much garlic in my spaghetti bolognaise, so we have that in common!”
“This piece about being a superhero was great fun. I thought the child set out really well what makes a superhero, including thinking about his impact on other people.”
“Something different visually and explained in a thoughtful way of what a Superhero should be.”
Thank you to everyone who entered, here are some more entries.